Journeys to Egypt

Gallery page Pyramids 1999

Tems of use: The pictures can be used for private publications, if my name (Frank Doernenburg) is given as originator, and a link to this site ( http// ) is given.
For commerial use larger pictures are available. Please contact me if interested.
Day 1: Saqqara South - Day 2: Fayum, Meidum - Day 3: Lischt & Dahshur - Day 4: Bubastis & Tanis - Day 5: Abusir, Abu Roasch - Day 6: Giza - Day 7: Saqqara North - Days 8-14: Diving Hurghada - Day 15: Saqqara - Day 16: Giza & Museum

0935 Nine Pyramid View Tele
0935 Nine Pyramid View Tele
0937 Diagonalpunkt Giza 1
0937 Diagonalpunkt Giza 1
0939 Diagonalpunkt 2 quer
0939 Diagonalpunkt 2 quer
0942 Chephren Mykerinos von Suedwest
0942 Chephren Mykerinos von Suedwest
0947 Bresche Mykerinos Totale
0947 Bresche Mykerinos Totale
0948 Bresche Tele
0948 Bresche Tele
0949 Touristen vor Eingang Mykerinos
0949 Touristen vor Eingang Mykerinos
0950 Bresche mit Schachteingang
0950 Bresche mit Schachteingang
1003 Erosion Chephren
1003 Erosion Chephren
Back: Pyramids 1997Forward: Diving & Sinai 2000
All pictures and texts unless otherwise noted © Frank Dörnenburg